Sunday, 22 August 2010

3rd Session

I won again:

Being aware of reverse equity situations- 6 - so this is a spot where I need to be folding the turn or maybe even flop. On the turn, my instinct is to say 'right my hand is the same as A3'. Because of the equity even his semi bluffs have (all turned spades, most of which have overs too), this isn't remotely true:


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 85.872% 85.87% 00.00% 16776 0.00 { AA, 88, 55, 22, AJs+, A8s, A5s, A2s, KsQs, KsJs, QcJc, QsJs, QsTs, JsTs, Js9s, Ts9s, Ts8s, 9s8s, 9s7s, 8s7s, 7s6s, ATo+ }
Hand 1: 14.128% 14.13% 00.00% 2760 0.00 { 99 }


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 65.696% 65.48% 00.21% 4927 16.00 { AA, 88, 55, 22, AJs+, A8s, A5s, A2s, KsQs, KsJs, QcJc, QsJs, QsTs, JsTs, Js9s, Ts9s, Ts8s, 9s8s, 9s7s, 8s7s, 7s6s, ATo+ }
Hand 1: 34.304% 34.09% 00.21% 2565 16.00 { A3s }

So a fail on reverse equity, but a lesson learned.

Tighter opening UTG, UTG+1. - 10

Not spewing PF with 4bets 100bbs deep, and light 3bet/5bets with not enough of a reason for them. - 7. - if I ever am going to 3bet/5bet, I'd much rather be doing it with a small pair rather than AQ, especially because most won't always be 4betting TT IP. In this spot, I'd just won a big pot off him and I felt he was tilted and I was pretty sure he was 4betting light. Different to the Iketoys hand, where I was just playing guessing games.

Applying plenty of pressure in small and medium sized pots, but remembering that what often separates a lagtard from a decent player is the ability to recognise as early as possible when a bluff has failed. - 7/10, not good not bad. In this hand, I should probably give up the turn on that exact card, but at least didn't overshove the river!

Bobbo-esq cbet strategies as a default, unless very good reason not to.- 10/10

4 tables, time on decisions. 10/10

Solid in big pots. 10/10, I didn't lose any. I made one light call down here (Matt's student!) that looks less light when the board pairs, but say the river was Q/K it was getting snapped given gameflow and combos of value hands actually there (very few) VS tons of overs+GS type things.

Don't fold in big pots. - 10/10

What does he expect me to do? 10/10 - typically this involves biggish folds. None really came up though.

Plan 3 barrels around the PSR. 10/10

So next session, we'll see if any leaks resurface.........



Chris said...

Wtf you talking about light call down. Tp headsup is the nuts. Trips are gold. If that was my student i'd be pissed.

grog said...

^ Agree, except sometimes 6max players when HU just don't adjust at all.

Struiks said...

I recognized a donkbet inducing spazz situation here from villains POV ;)

You are raising the flop, betting the turn in this hand, but didnt you forget what you were repping? Just sets? Or are you also raising with QJ+ here (and does he know that etc.)?

Struiks said...

btw, very interesting list in a previous post. But what exactly does 'Bobbo-esq cbet strategies' mean? Are you talking about balancing your betsizing depending on flop texture?

grog said...

Hey Struiks, villain is a fish in that lead hand, and as such he usually has air or a weak made hand. So repping doesn't come into it.

Bobbo stuff is not just the betsizes, it's also the barreling strategies depending on different cards, etc

Struiks said...

ok :-)