Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Some PF Spew Creeping In....

Hands: 309
Net: $373

Good news and bad news from this session. Bad news, I found myself making a couple of PF 3bets without a plan on how to react to a 4bet. Spew ensued in both cases, and when spending my 10 seconds thinking through each and every decision I need to find time to label my decisions '3bet call', '3bet/5bet' not '3bet/x' where x quickly becomes spew.

The good news is that I'm winning every small pot to compensate, and concentrating more has allowed my VPIP/PFR and 3bet to shoot up pretty high. Couple this with fighting for as many pots postflop as I can get away with, my red lines gone through the roof and thus I feel my current 'deafult' is to win and win big.

Some bluffs. - villain is a fish, but I had excellent notes on how he fastplays hands and leads all pairs on the turn. Flop is hmm cold call, hit his range, check. Turn once he doesn't lead he's either folding or peeling a naked diamond, so I have to bet the turn with the intention of betting river. In a vacuum this line looks fishy, but I'm happy every street was backed up with solid reasoning. PF is fine imo given my MR and his relatively small 3bet. I'm just going to win the pot VS unimproved overcard hands so often. Flop minraise again, laying $26 to win $40, thus needing to work 26/66 = 39% of the time. If I take a pure 'value' range of his to be AQ+, JJ+, then of these 56 combos, 32 are unimproved AK/AQ. These hands make up 57% so I expect folds 57% of the time. If we throw in AJ (and thus TT) too, then this makes his bet folding range even wider.

Goals for session are to remember to have a plan for every PF decision so as to avoid the PF spew which has for so long now blighted my game and wealth.



Martin said...

Aha, i see wot u mean by counting the combos now. Minraising here seems to be a pretty good idea, i always prefer floating thinking i can rep more hands, but vs ppl who barrel with a good frequency, i find myself folding too much on the turn, i think i will give minraising a try nxt time i play.

When we minraise a board like this, or the KQ hand b4, do u ever worry about getting jamed on by overcards since our line looks pretty FOS (obv its easy for me to say since i know ur cards)
I know ur not that big of a fan on balancing, and neither m I. But I feel like this s a spot we need some sort of balance just to show villain we are capable of doing this for value. I m curious to know what kind of hands you minraise for value here?

grog said...

yeah that's the problem I think with floating these days, you need a solid read that x player gives up a lot otherwise you're just suffering from some sort reverse implied bluff equity. As for repping hands, it only matters if they act on it and 3/3 so far they haven't... I guess they think I can be doing it with sets/ 2 pair and overpairs. Which I will be when I get the chance.