Monday, 13 February 2012

Session 1

So first session in the books (click on it). Here's my 3 biggest losing hands ........

€1/€2 No Limit Holdem • 5 Players • PokerStars

Generated by

grogheadflow (SB)€227.96
  • Pre-Flop (€3, 5 players)Hero is SB
  • dJ cJ
UTG raises to €6, CO calls €6, BTN calls €6, grogheadflow raises to €30, 1 fold, UTG folds, CO raises to €75, BTN folds, grogheadflow raises to €222, CO goes all-in €140.46
  • Flop (€451.46, 2 players, 1 all-in)
  • h5 hQ cT
  • Turn (€451.46, 2 players, 1 all-in)
  • c3
  • River (€451.46, 2 players, 1 all-in)
  • sJ
  • Final Pot: €451.46
  • CO shows a straight, Ten to Ace
  • hKsA
  • grogheadflow shows three of a kind, Jacks
  • dJcJ
  • CO wins €441.92 (net +€226.46)
  • grogheadflow collects €6.54 (net -€215.46)
  • UTG lost €6
  • BTN lost €6

Pretty standard, although villain was incredibily nitty. Basically not happy when he squashes like this but I'm priced in. One of those I'm not too thrilled when UTG shoves either, but squeezing ranges are perceived wider than 3betting ranges I think and I'd get it in either way. UTG raises 18% folds 66% overall.

€1/€2 No Limit Holdem • 6 Players • PokerStars

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grogheadflow (BB)€220.28
  • Pre-Flop (€3, 6 players)Hero is BB
  • sQ cA
UTG calls €2, 3 folds, SB calls €1, grogheadflow raises to €10, UTG calls €8, SB calls €8
  • Flop (€30, 3 players)
  • sA hT s5
SB checks, grogheadflow bets €22, UTG folds, SB calls €22
  • Turn (€74, 2 players)
  • dK
SB checks, grogheadflow goes all-in €188.28, SB goes all-in €73.60
  • River (€335.88, 2 players, 2 all-in)
  • s8
  • Final Pot: €335.88
  • SB shows two pair, Tens and Eights
  • cTc8
  • grogheadflow shows a pair of Aces
  • sQcA
  • SB wins €218.20 (net +€112.60)
  • grogheadflow collects €114.68 (net -€105.60)
  • UTG lost €10

Villain was a fish, standard whatever.

$1/$2 No Limit Holdem • 4 Players • PokerStars

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grogheadflow (SB)$200
  • Pre-Flop ($3, 4 players)Hero is SB
  • sQ dA
CO raises to $6, BTN calls $6, grogheadflow raises to $24, 1 fold, CO folds, BTN calls $18
  • Flop ($56, 2 players)
  • dJ c4 d3
grogheadflow bets $24, BTN calls $24
  • Turn ($104, 2 players)
  • s5
grogheadflow bets $56, BTN calls $56
  • River ($216, 2 players)
  • s7
grogheadflow checks, BTN checks
  • Final Pot: $216
  • grogheadflow shows
  • sQdA
  • BTN shows
  • s8d8
  • BTN wins $213.50 (net +$109.50)
  • grogheadflow lost $104
  • CO lost $6

So I squeeze AQo, BTN is a loose reg with a weak range in this spot. My plan on the flop is to cbet like always, then follow up whenever I turn equity. So K,T, diamond, 5. My bet on the turn threatens his whole stack and would fold out 88 amongst most people ....... my mistake though is to bet to small to really ram down his throat 'fold mid pairs fool'! I know my frequencies are controlled and balanced here so I'm certainly not burning money, KQo I would cf turn for example.

$1/$2 No Limit Holdem • 5 Players • PokerStars

Generated by

grogheadflow (SB)$205.16
  • Pre-Flop ($3, 5 players)Hero is SB
  • d7 dA
2 folds, BTN raises to $4, grogheadflow calls $3, 1 fold
  • Flop ($10, 2 players)
  • d9 s4 sJ
grogheadflow bets $8, BTN calls $8
  • Turn ($26, 2 players)
  • dQ
grogheadflow bets $20, BTN calls $20
  • River ($66, 2 players)
  • cT
grogheadflow bets $50, BTN goes all-in $238.98, grogheadflow folds
  • Final Pot: $354.98
  • BTN wins $351.98 (net +$81)
  • grogheadflow lost $82

Finally, a leading spot. I lead in this spot a ton these days, those board that smash my range and provided I can turn some equity. Although turn looks like it should hit his range, in reality OTB he just has a ton of of 97o, A9, A4 etc that folds turn.  I turn equity and bet again, and on the river my range is so strong that I think I have to go 3 streets. He shoves which is a bit weird, but I can never have AK so I guess he's shoving Kx to make me hate life.

Overall, happy with how I played. Onwards and upwards !


DODGYKEN said...

On the first JJ hand I actually overcall here sometimes if UTG opens 15% and there's just one caller. Given this situation I think it has to be a squeeze really though, and clearly getting it in against anyone who wants to.

In the AQ v 88 hand - I always assume people do peel 88 on the turn, so it's a spot where our thinking is quite different. My mind spins about this spot to be honest, because I feel like we have to fire three or zero but then he has Jx a decent amount which never folds (and he might just call down 88 too sometimes). So that makes me think that check folding the flop is best but that seems weak. So basically I don't really know what I think the best line here is. I feel like it might be better to bet $38 on the flop and shove turns as our bet size.

Conversely, if we're him with 88 I don't know where/if we should be folding.

Chris said...

Lead the A7 of diamonds there isn't great. That board doesn't smash your range btw. In fact it barely hits it. It's a disjointed board with draws that he will play pretty well in position. Cards you think are good to bluff will in fact help him often. The river is a super easy check fold. I mean look at it everything but a bare flush draw gets there. Just check fold the flop, you don't need to win every pot. Your lead is really bad in my eyes though & your justifications are wrong. Anyway, won't be checking this again, so no need to give a rant back.

grog said...

I mean it smashes it in terms of OESDs and GSs and flushdraws etc, so we aren't getting played back at by pure air. I don't blame you for not wanting a debate tho.