Saturday, 18 February 2012

Session 14

That's better. Played much better PF this last session, probably give myself 10/10. Postflop I feel I'm naturally playing quite well at the moment, so I'm going to continue focussing hard on PF this next session so that I really get into good habits. - this guy's like a total monkey clown. 3% bb-btn, cbets every flop and most turns and then like always river. According to stats and observations anyway. I guess I basically chickened out calling the river based on stuff getting there and the chance he's shoving A3 or something. - same villain. afformentioned tendencies make pf a call I think. told you he was a monkey. he actually has timing tells on the river for bluffs too, quick is bluff. He timed a little on this river which made me think he actually had something but obv rivering a pair slowed him a little. - games are dead, etc - villain is bad suspicious reg. the flop check is interesting, he's basically the type to 3 barrel this as a bluff and I felt he'd bet all weaker aces at some point anyway allowing me to make a FOS looking check ship. he SNAPPED the shove, omg he has 5x I think. nope. - same villain as above. the river Q smashes my range and was just so strange for him to bet it. he could have AQ retrospectively of course if he has AJ. once I was certain QQ+ etc was betting the turn I decided I'd call it. - a rare PF flat, and a good spot for it. river is thin, but he's suspicious - another barrel happy guy, who can also 3barrel very thin. so flop check given I'm giving up so much and also checking Kx, Jx a decent amount, probably AK too. river, meh inflection point etc but I have the nut bluffcatcher on a card where I can never have a flush.

Goals for session 15- PF again! really concentrate and it makes the rest easy!


1 comment:

DODGYKEN said...

Hand 1 - This is tough because AJ is borderline for having to defend on the flop - and here where we 4-bet AK and probably KK-JJ it's more important to defend it on the flop. But in a spot like this where we anticipate barrels so often it makes it really awkward. I'm not sure what I'd go for here - if I knew he barrelled that often I might just fold the flop - although that's exploitable we're actually exploiting him by continuing with a tight range making his barrels terrible.

Hand 2 - Yep. That'll be nice.

Hand 3 - .

Hand 4 - Interesting. You said you thought he'd barrel a lot - well I assume you were going to check call until the other guy called too?

Hand 5 - How are people cold 4-bet bluffing here often?! I would've definitely folded pre, but clearly some of the regs over there play very aggressively. I'm probably going to be confused when I start playing some on there.

Hand 6 - Looks pretty good to me if he's suspicious. This is a spot where I actually will value bet lightly (when the turn's an overcard and draws miss). He just has Tx and 99-66 so often that I think it has to be a value bet. I guess you could argue that he doesn't call often enough with them (compared with KT, 77, whatever else), but I think this is most likely a good value bet.

Last hand - I like this line against someone aggro. I'm worried with his river sizing (big when we have bluff catcher = value), but I'm still calling. We're just so strong compared to what we look like that he might value bet worse and he definitely could bluff in this spot. Definite call for me.