Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Session 19

A strange sort of PF leak has crept in. My unopened CO has dropped right off a cliff, like 21% last week or so. I've been concentrating on opening tigher EP, but this is way too low in CO. So I need to be aware that I can open a ton wider in CO even for just pure stealing power, steal success is similar to BTN, etc.

There's a chance I'm playing badly postflop. I seem incapable of making 'non standard' river folds, ie the kind where 'he bets pot but I have TPTK and that's like the top of my range in this spot so i'll call'. Or like turns in big pots OOP with QQ on T75 T when he bets turn to shove river, ie we're getting owned always.

So I need to think more in those spots, and this session I'll be concentrating on timing when they do occur. PF has been fine for the most part still apart from the CO thing, no spewy 4bet OOP calls or silly 3bets or anything like that.

Basically I need to time on all decisions a lot more. In fact, this is my sole goal for this session. Well that and open wider on CO. Time, and open CO wider... how hard can that be?

http://weaktight.com/4396014 - drooler UTG, tilted Stars reg flats his raise. On the flop I..... bet fold? Oh dears we're deep I won't hold my breath then Dodgy!

http://weaktight.com/4396021 - 33/16 fish. Only seem him CR once before, he had a set and made it 3x. here he makes it smaller.... I don't fold here do I?

http://weaktight.com/4396026 - reg who likes to bet quick and big as a bluff. Here he bets quick and big. I only put a certain amount of weight into the read.

http://weaktight.com/4396029 - same fish as the 54s hand. I feel this is a standard Dodgy fold, right?

Ok so I have my goals set for next session. Time, open CO wider, and as per usual think hard about preflop.


DODGYKEN said...

TT - If it's a fish I think bet folding is probably good (unless they're bluffy). We get a lot of value form worse on the flop (and turn) against fish.

54s - Never folding. I might make a tiny turn raise as he'll put extra money in with a ton of hands here, and I don't want a river card coming to stop that happening. For example, if he has A9 here I think he calls a small turn raise, or if he has AT with a spade he calls or shoves. Call river.

K9o - Not sure here. I think it's probably a fold because for him to have many draws that call the turn that aren't flush draws he has to have floated the flop with JT or T8 or something. Having a bare 9x to turn into a bluff that he somehow got to the turn with, then bet it, then called a raise with seems a stretch. So yeah, quite a lot of better hands in his range, hard to be bluffing = fold.

Q8o - Hmmm I dunno. I call here sometimes. Depends on feel really, and I guess I'm using timing/what I know about the fish. Gotta be good 25% or something. Hmm I think I probably fold this time given A5 is possible (he may peel the flop this wide), flush is obv possible, and he might randomly bet AQ sometimes. I dunno though, I think this is close.

grog said...

TT I checked flop, had the tilted stars reg bluff 22 and fish called and we checked river and I won. I should bet fold VS tilted reg though certainly.

54s he had J8s I lost, meh with turn mr idea I'm not sure, I feel we get away cheaper the times we're beat sometimes, and he keeps bluffing this way.

K9 I folded but hated it VS him particularly

Q8 I folded, he kinda snap lead river when flush hit

thanks for comme