Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Session 23 - Villain 49/31 fish with river agg % of 63% over 8 samples. I was gong to CRAI flop, yes he doesn't bet fold anything worse but it's better than betting as we win a flop stab and if he jams over our bet it's kinda a sick spot given his PF range. I could maybe jam turn with so little behind, ie maybe should protect VS his air at this point. If he always bluffs river though probably not. - made at myself for this one, went against my flop instinct and called the raise. He reps nothing, and is capable of bluffs, but his raise size etc told me to fold. Blah. - this one happened before the above, and I did follow my instinct here. This guy is always 4betting AK VS me, and I was just sooooo sure he was bluffing on the flop that I just couldn't lie down. He flats 3bets 46% of the time and VS such a range there's not a lot of sets. If I commented on someone else doing this I would say bad, but meh in the moment was happy enough. Maybe I'm being results oriented though. - this hand also annoyed me. Sometimes, there's a good reason to do the same with value and air that goes beyond balance and is just good even in a vacuum. Here, barrelling air is bad as he can have Ax and Kx tons and our frequencies would be like mental. Barreling Kx though is also bad, he has less Kx and we look so strong that Ax potentially goes away, as do OOP floats like JT QJ etc. Blah.

Apart from that though was happy. I drank a monster drink which is very short termist of me but basically gets me super hyped up and concentrated for a session. Mental side was good, I lost this early hand and usually I might start questioning my ability etc, but I went through the motions before cbetting and I'm just completely happy with the squeeze and the cbet (initial raiser reg who folds, caller tight passive fish who also folds). Slowly getting out of being results oriented, I hope, but the test will be when I go on a real bad stretch. Again though, we expect bad stretches, they happen, and our job in those times is to minimise our losses through good play.

I'm going to add some life chores here 'cos if I don't write em down somewhere I'll never get em done. Some things have just been screaming out to be done for weeks now........ tomorrow in between sessions I must:

send off car registration document
go to bank, pay in some cash
pay off parking ticket
clean out rabbits

I'll leave my goals at those for now. They should take me like an hour. For some reason everything just stops when I'm not winning. When I'm winning, house is clean, bills paid, dogs fed. When I'm not, everything goes dark, phone goes off, parents go un-seen. Would be nice to break that habit as part of my mental progression...................

1 comment:

DODGYKEN said...

AQs - Not sure of the best line here. Betting the flop is fine, but I feel like we might need to check call the turn or river as they might just float KJ or something. I've gone for crai in these spots and had this happen and it just gets really awkward. So I think to crai we have to really know they'll bet a really high percentage of the time. I think you probably have to call turn as he has loads of overcards/random hands and will be betting them enough, and then the river you're getting amazing odds so I'd call again. Feels yucky, but what can you do.

65s - The problem with flatting here is, like you said, he knows he reps nothing so I feel like if he's even raising on this board he's prepared to fire the turn and/or river.

QJo - Interesting. Inflection points working again!

KQo - I can't imagine he folds Ax on the turn. He does have plenty of gutters or 88 hands though, so yeah I can see checking the turn being good here.