Saturday 19 March 2011


I made Supernova last night. It was sickly sweet coming off the back of a $4.5k losing day, but whatever. I was stopped by several people on my way to the shops this morning, all wanting to know 'do you feel any different?'. I replied that it's going to take a lot of fucking +1 FPP multipliers to compensate for completely forgetting how to play poker again. Most shuffled away, awkwardly.

This blog really tilted me the other day, so I won't talk about it much. I do like his idea of trying to have a positive red line though. Mine has completely plummeted, and in the past this has been a sure fire sign of not playing well. I'm sure I'm missing up a ton of bluff spots, folding too much, and generally playing the opposite of good situational poker.

I want my graph to look like this again! This was only September 2010. I had general rules about not folding in big pots, and adding equal weight to not allowing big pots to build unless I had a plan for winning them. Coupled with my recent improvements and epiphanies, I think this has to be a good gameplan right now. I'm going to drop to 200nl and get a decent sample though........

So we'll see! I just booked my Vegas house. Only 2 bedrooms (sleeps 8), but has pool and walking distance to Rio. Anyone want to stay on any dates 1st June-1st July is welcome, I intend to grind live cash a lot and get very good at it.



DODGYKEN said...



Good job. And good work on two blogs in quick succession.

I reckon I might end up whipping out my next one around October hopefully.

MattUK said...

Yo Dan, Im still trying to figure out when I'll be in vegas. If you see me on skype or aim send me a message i'd like to talk to you.

grog said...

Hey Matt, are you on Skype? I'm grogheadflow on there, think you need to add me etc......

Chin up Stodgeball!

MattUK said...

Sent you a message. I already had you as a contact from the bobbo coaching. Message me when you see me on.